Saturday, February 22, 2014

Long Distance Relationship

Lots of people says that long distance relationship  is NOT a real relationship. But as what I have experience its definitely  the REAL relationship.

Long Distance Relationship really matters the  two person who are  in such relationship .  Their feelings the way  they give their trust, loyalty, and love to their partner and specially the way they commit and accept  to their selves that they are already committed. It's  not that difficult if you truly love your partner.But we cannot also deny that you and your partner will experience those hard times in your relationship, but that's really normal ,right? All relationship have this hardship that you will encounter most specially in Long Distance Relationship. The 'selosan factor', tampuhan to the max!, but then  if you know also how to lower your pride you will just easily  solve these kinds of problems.

Long Distance Relationship also is the best relationship because it is the way were you can measure how much you love your partner . Distance doesn't really matter if both of you are loyal to each other. They're maybe third parties to be involved but this is just a challenge, it is just a mini test to know how deeply you really treasure the small things between you and your partner.

Just love, love, love . and don't even put break ups in your choices if you'll made some "tampuhan" to your partners . All problems can be settled in a serious talk, fine and serious talk.

Long Distance Relationship are REALationship :)

p.sbut not all btw :)